Write an Advocacy Project on Issues in Local Management APA style
The Topic is: Issues in Local Emergency Management, discuss the common issues found in Local EM, how they affect communities or preparedness, and how they can be addressed. Original work only, only use scholarly references.
Step 1: Research the topic in order to be well-versed in the history of it, the major entities involved on all sides of the issue and the current status of the issue. The more knowledge you have, the better prepared you will be when it comes to write. Use the literature review, but be selective with the material included in the final advocacy project.
Step2: State the issue you are advocating clearly in an introductory paragraph. Give the general background of the issue and why the readers should care about it. The introduction will provide a general outline for the essay, and the rest of the paper will provide details.
Step3: Provide added depth, background story and details about the cause in the body of the essay. As you explain a particular point, bring it back to the goal of getting the readers involved in the cause. For example, if you are writing on behalf of segregated shelters, you could provide the statistics behind documented problems at co-ed shelters in the country.
Step4: Provide resources and citations for the facts used in the essay. Your piece has more legitimacy if you quote facts and statistics from known and respected entities in your field than if you simply give your own opinion. You can use charts and/or graphs to visually show a trend, etc. but provide wording to your readers leading them to your point for the object.
Step5: The conclusion should quickly review the issue, your reasoning for your position, and leave readers with a final statement to stick in their minds so they understand your point of view.
Step6: Include a page of references showing where all of the facts came from. Use scholarly references only, avoid websites like Wikipedia etc. Using legitimate references can also give your readers resources where they can learn more. Follow the APA Style guide for proper citations and references and in writing the essay.
The paper has to have a title page and a references page – they do not count in the 8-10 pages of your paper. The body of your paper should be 8-10 pages. Be selective when pulling data from your literature review and inserting in your final project – do not just add a title page, introduction and conclusion to the lit review and call it good, only use the lit review attached for reference. In you have question contact me asap.
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