Write a 3 page Scholarly Article Review paper with footnotes on course material provided.

Choose to write about the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) or Executive Order 9066: Resulting in the Relocation of Japanese (1942). Write a 3 page History paper with footnotes on course material provided
using Chicago Manual of Style Citations and Bibliography.

  • Place the complete bibliographic reference for the scholarly journal article, including page numbers, as your title. Here is an example:

deGraaf, Lawrence B. ?Race, Sex, and Region: Black Women in the American West, 1850-1920.? Pacific Historical Review, 49, 2 (May 1980): 285-313.

Questions to Ask and Answer When Reading a Journal Article:

  • Who is the author? What are his/her scholarly credentials and
    qualifications? What else has he/she written on the topic?
  • What is the purpose of the article? Be able to describe its
    purpose in two succinct sentences. ?This article explores the role of
    African American women in the Trans-Mississippi West from 1850 to 1920.
    It examines the relationship among race, sex, and place in order to
    [answer this part of the question. . . ].
  • What is the author?s central argument? Does he/she set
    forth a particular theory? If so, be able to explain it in three clear
  • What evidence ? the primary and secondary resources ? does
    the author employ to develop his/her argument (or thesis)? Be able to
    describe them. Would it be wise to check one or two of the sources? Do
    the examples (statistics, charts, case notes) support the author?s
  • From reading the other sources for the week, how does the
    author?s work fit into the general scholarship? Analyze this. (In your
    written review, you may wish to reference other reading on the topic you
    have completed.)
  • How well does the author advance our knowledge of the subject?
  • How clear is the author?s writing?

When writing the review:

  • Create an introductory statement about the article to set the
    direction for your paper. If you can develop a thesis, that will enhance
    your essay.
  • Identify the article and describe its purpose.
  • Identify the author and explain his/her credentials.
  • Write a summary of the argument and evidence (at least 1.5
    full pages). If the author advances a new theory or a particular point
    of view, explain that here also. Remember to describe the author?s
    source material.
  • Select two or three key issues and write a critical analysis of them based upon your knowledge of the material.
  • Write a conclusion that summarizes your thesis and assesses
    the author?s contribution. Do not add any new information in the
  • Include a separate bibliography of primary and secondary sources consulted.
  • Use footnotes placed at the bottom of each page.

Grading Rubrics for Scholarly Article Review Essay

The grading scale based upon 15 points is: A=14-15; B=12-13; C=10-11; D=9; F=8 or below.

To earn an A or 14-15 points:

The student writes a strong, analytical essay that demonstrates a
clear thesis and a solid understanding of the article and historical
context, effective and consistent use of one or more primary sources and
two or more secondary sources. The essay offers an original
interpretation. The structure and organization of the essay contributes
to the effectiveness of the argument. Footnotes are used correctly;
the bibliography is accurate. Sentences are well-constructed, with
clear transitions between paragraphs. Spelling and grammar are

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