Who can do this: Country Culture Project and Presentation for me?
Purpose of this Assignment
a. to improve understanding of international business thru application of the concepts and content of the course;
b. to learn more about the effects of culture on doing business in a foreign country:
c. to learn how and what research is needed to develop international business strategies and plans;
d. to learn how to make a professional and properly cited business presentation; and
e. to involve students and contribute to making a more interesting class.
1. Find your team members and choose a team leader.
By the beginning of Week 4, you should organize a team of 3 -5 members.You can go to Canvas>People to identify potential team members.
When a team is formed, you can see your complete list of team members at Canvas>People>Groups. You must be present in class on this date to reserve a place on a team.Anyone with excessive absences will not be assigned to a team and required to complete written make-up project as an individual and will lose points (details presented later in this handout).
Note: An e-Handout for ?Developing Teamwork Skills? can be found at Canvas.
2. Select one international business company to introduce its international business in the class.
You may select a company from the list of S&P 500 companies, or another company preapproved by the professor.
At least 8-10 content slides are suggested for the slideshow presentation (not including cover page and all visual slides). The time for presentation is 8-15 minutes.
Contents of the project:
(1) Describe the company, its industry (or industries) of operation, and the types of products it sells globally.
(2) Describe the country (or countries) where the company conducts global business.
(3) How are the company?s products (or service) accepted in the host country (relative to local and other foreign competitors)?
(4) What are some of the issues (successes or failures) related to adapting to local culture in their targeted foreign host countries?
(5) Show an example of how your chosen company has marketed a product to a foreign country (this may be an advertisement or vides) and explain how this marketing message was adapted (or not adapted) to the culture.
Sources for research:
1. List of S&P 500 companies (to identify a company) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_S%26P_500_companies
2. International Business Research Guide (for overall research) http://libguides.unco.edu/content.php?pid=85068&sid=799421
3. Exports (to find products) http://export.gov/worldwide_us/index.asp
4. The Hofstede Centre (for culture comparisons) http://geert-hofstede.com/countries.html
5. Official Company website (Google search ?company name international? or ?company name global)
6. Ads of the World http://adsoftheworld.com/ (search by industry and country to find examples for your company); or Google and YouTube (search for ?foreign ad? ?your company name?)
7. Your textbook (to make sure you use the proper terminology and concepts).
8. Any other reliable and known resources (found in number 2 above).
3. Identify your team?s presentation date.
It will be much too difficult to fulfill everyone?s request for a presentation date, therefore requests can be made for those teams who want to present during the first presentation date (see the semester schedule in the syllabus).All other presentation dates will be assigned by the professor.There will be 3 team presentations on each of the scheduled presentation dates (see Canvas).
4. Begin your ?formal? research on one or two topics of interest to determine that depth and multiple research sources are current and available.
(1) You should cite current research from credible and reliable sources.
There are several library handouts provided at Canvas.Most of your content can be found in three to five quality research sources.Be sure that you use current research sources (with cites/research no older than 3 years).Beyond 3 years would not be considered up-to-date.Note: If you cannot easily find the date of a research source, then it is not a source you should use in this project.Without a current and proper date of the source, the quality of the research cannot be judged and this will negatively affect your project grade.
International Business Research Guide http://libguides.unco.edu/content.php?pid=85068&sid=799421
The International Business Research Guide will provide the links to UNC library resources for researching your assigned country.You may need to sign in if accessing the library?s web site while off campus (this is the same as signing into URSA).These recommended research sources are reliable and approved for use with this project.You will be graded on the quality and currency of your information source, so be careful of using information from just any source found thru a Google search.Also, since Wikipedia, Associated Content, e-How, and numerous travel blogs are written by users and not always fact checked or verified, you should not use this public written content as a research content source or citation.However, Wikipedia is a good source to identify basic information and to find cites and web links to the original sources.
(2) Your research citations should be complete and of proper style (e.g., APA).
As you find the information needed to complete this assignment, you will also need to record the source of your research for citation.The web links below are provided to guide you in judging quality research sources and for properly citing those sources.Proper and complete citations are a major part of your grade for this project and failure to cite properly will likely earn a C or lower grade on the project.
Citation: http://libguides.unco.edu/content.php?pid=85068&sid=1024771
More about the APA Format for Reference Citations (for citing sources within your page and on the reference page): http://library.duke.edu/research/citing/
Pay particular attention about how to properly cite research from: (1) a Full Text Article from Library Databases (Electronic) or (2) a web page.If your citation is only a web address, then it is considered incomplete and not acceptable.What is most important is that your reference citations are complete and with consistency of style (i.e., APA).
Note 1: If using a database to find research sources, make sure that the web link provided works and links directly to the original source (a permanent link).While signed into a database, the link found in your browser is often a temporary link and does not work for others not signed into your database.
Note 2: Passport GMID is an excellent database for your project.But, make sure you have a separate citation for each report used in this database (see Citation link above).A single citation for Passport GMID does not provide adequate detail for judging the date and source of specific data used in your paper.
Note 3: Research citations from web sources need two dates: (1) date of the source/publication, and (2) the date retrieved or downloaded (see APA style).Note: the sample for the CIA Factbook on the Library?s web site is missing the retrieval date.
Note 4: If you do not have a date for a source, then you should not use it because its quality and currency cannot be judged.Sometimes when you cannot find an immediate date, you can look at the bottom of the page and find the copyright date.
Note 5: you may use a Bibliography Maker, such as EasyBib or BibMe, but you will need to make sure you have input the extra information often needed. Every citation should include some or all of the following (just fill in all the missing information requested by the Bibliography Maker): (1) the author, (2) the source (e.g., name of magazine, newspaper, web site, book, database, etc.), (3) title (article title, web page title, film title, report title, etc.), (4) date published or created, (5) date accessed or retrieved (for web sites only), (6) page numbers (for printed sources only), (7) direct permanent link to the specific article (for web sites only), (8) publisher (for books or web sites only), and other information, depending on the type of source and format style.
(3) You should cite your research sources where used in the presentation (in-text citation).
There are two ways to cite sources when used in the body of your paper/presentation.You should use only one of these methods.
One way to reference a research source in the body of the presentation/paper is to present a citation in parentheses, by author and date, and may include page numbers.For example, if the content from this paragraph came from research source by authors McCorkle and McCorkle, then it is indicated as it is here (McCorkle and McCorkle 2012).A semi-colon, e.g., (Engel and Blackwell 2010; Stocker 2011), separates two references.A colon indicates page numbers, e.g., (Engel and Blackwell 2010:7), which means reference found on page 7.Page numbers are only needed for direct quotes.In most cases, paraphrasing should be used instead of direct quotes.Excessive use of direct quotes will count against you.
The second and easiest way to cite sources in the body of your paper is to use the footnoting option as found in MS Word>References>Insert Citation (APA Style).[1]If you cite sources using this method, then you will not need a separate References Page.However, the reference citations will still need to be in a proper and complete style as previously addressed.Note: to insert a footnote in a presentation slide, follow these instructions: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/powerpoint-help/add-a-footnote-HA102809533.aspx.
(4) Plagiarism is a serious matter when completing this project.
This project assignment should be written and completed by only you (and your team). Safe Assignment software is used to compare your work to sources on the Internet, to identify if any of your content was copied (i.e., plagiarized).Thus, be sure that you paraphrase any content from research sources and be sure to cite the specific source of the research used in your paper where it is used in the paper (see previous section).Proper paraphrasing requires that an entire sentence be rewritten.Rearranging a few words or phrases can still be considered as plagiarism.Note: direct quotes should only be used when the specific wording of the source is important.It is inappropriate to direct quote a full paragraph or any more that a sentence or part of a sentence.Instead, this content should be paraphrased.
If plagiarism is found, severe consequences will result.Be sure to re-read the MCB Statement in the course syllabus.Safe Assignment software (or equivalent) will be used as a check for potential plagiarism.Note: direct copying of anything from the web without proper paraphrasing and citation is considered plagiarism with this project.
6. Complete the content for your team?s Country Project.
Gather your research content and begin to organize it.An outline for your presentation is recommended.This outline will help you to identify if more content should be added for a more complete and focused presentation.You should complete the content portion of your presentation at least one week in advance of your presentation date.This will allow your team to have time to develop, organize, and practice your presentation.
7. Prepare for your team?s presentation.
Your team will have 8 (minimum) to 15 minutes (maximum) for your presentation.Be sure to practice your presentation so you will know if your content is too short or too long.
All team members should participate in the presentation.There will be a minimum 10% grade deduction if the team is not prepared to present when scheduled (no excuses accepted).Plus, the make-up project may become a written project and due within one week of the original presentation date.
You must work as a team, not as a group.With a team, everyone contributes (creates/edits) to all content areas, even though one team member may be assigned to complete a specific segment of the project.With a group, each individual is assigned a part and is only involved in that part (this is easily noticeable during the presentation).
Team members may be fired by a team member or the professor (most likely because of poor attendance or poor cooperation with other team members), but must be done so at least 3 days prior to the scheduled presentation date.This may affect the participation grade (see syllabus) and the project grade (if a make-up project is required for any of the team members).
Detail is important.Practice is important.An incomplete presentation and poor use of time will negatively affect your grade.
Don?t just show us with facts and figures, charts and tables.Provide them, but discuss the highlights and explain their relevance to your focused cultural component and international business.Whenever possible make relative comparisons to U.S. business practices and culture.
This project should be fun and interesting for your team to develop and fun for the rest of the class to learn from your presentation.If you or your team is not having fun, then an attitude adjustment is in order.Brainstorm with your team on how to better immerse your team in the culture of your country.
Note: An e-Handout for ?Developing Presentation Skills? can be found at Canvas.
8. Grading for the Project
(1) Quality of content.
The quality of your chosen cultural component(s) and its relevance to this course and international business strategies and practices will be a part of this grading.So, be sure to use the proper terminology from and references to the textbook.You must make reference to the textbook and course slideshow material.
You should begin your presentation with a 1-2 minute introduction to the company and the host country (which the company is doing the international business in it).This introduction may include any or all of the following: location (show on a map), population, demographics of the population (age, gender, income, family size, education levels, religion, etc.), trade stats (exports, imports, trading partners), and other facts
(2) Depth of content.
Your team should become the class experts on this subject and present content that is not generally known or easily found in the textbook or with a quick Google search.
For example: an important cultural component of Japanese culture is its business manners and customs, which are quite different from the behavior of American businesspeople.An in-depth focus on this cultural component may address: bowing, proper presentation of business cards, relationship building and establishing trust, long work hours, and after work socializing with clients.A team may demonstrate some of these features and provide a short demonstration of karaoke (a common social activity done with clients).
Or, a presentation may focus on their written and spoken language and involve the class in an introductory Japanese language lesson, discuss some historical elements of the language, and provide statistics about their educational levels.
Or, a presentation may focus on their food and drink and explain and show visuals of the Japanese diet and common foods/meals.Your team may then demonstrate the use of chopsticks or explain the importance of tea in Japanese society (with visuals).
(4) Preparation/organization/time management.
Your time limit is 15 minutes, maximum.You should practice to make sure you can complete your content as planned.If your presentation is less than 8 minutes, then it could have included more depth of content and therefore this will be reflected in the grading.
(5) Research/references.
As discussed previously in this handout (part 5) your research sources/cites should:
(a) be cited in a reference page (on the slide or as a handout) using an acceptable and complete style such as APA,
(b) be current (within 3 years),
(c) clearly indicate where/when used during your presentation (in-text citation), and
(d) come from multiple quality research sources (3 or more).
Note 1: A web address only is not a proper or complete citation and will be considered of poor quality.
Note 2: The most highly regarded and quality research sources are recommended in part 4 of this handout.
(6) Visual Aids.
Slideshows are required for this assignment as a way to demonstrate your organization, professionalism, and make it easier to link to related web sites on the Internet for demonstration.Consistency of style and quality level of these slides is important.Other visual aids (such as handouts, physical samples/props/mockups to pass around, room or atmosphere decorations, etc.) are also welcome and will add to your team?s presentation.
Note 1:Only MS PowerPoint (Windows, not Mac) is supported in the Kepner classrooms.Since slideshow files are often large in size, you should bring your slideshow files to class on a thumb drive, CD, or DVD.
Note 2:Make sure your slideshow has an opening/cover page that includes the name of your presentation, the date, and the names of your team members.Your closing page should include your reference page with complete and proper citations.
Note 3: Make sure that your slideshow is checked for grammar and spelling.
(7) Teamwork.
Teamwork will be easily demonstrated with your presentation.A good flow or transition across presenters will show your teamwork and presentation practice.Also, a consistent quality of content and presentation throughout the slideshow will demonstrate teamwork.Reports (good and bad) from team members will also be considered in the grading.
(8) Handouts.
As with any professional presentation, it is important that your presentation is remembered by your audience.It is even more important that the content and presentation quality is remembered by the professor when grading?for it is usually not possible to fully grade the presentation while it is being presented.It is required that a printout of your slideshow is presented to the professor as a handout?when printing a handout: choose black and white, 3 slides per page.Make sure this handout is easily readable and stapled.Other content should also be considered as handouts for the student teams and the professor.
[1] McCorkle, Denny E., James Reardon, Joe F. Alexander, Nathan D. Kling, Robert C. Harris and R. Vish Iyer. 1999. Undergraduate marketing students, group projects, and teamwork: the good, the bad, and the ugly?Journal of Marketing Education 21 (2):106-17.
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