Week 3 Discussion 2 comment on students

Respond to Peers: Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by Day 7. Make an effort to select two different classmates. Each peer response should be a minimum of 50 words.


I used to work at Home Depot and there were several instances where I did not reach the required credit card goals for those specific time periods. I believe that this was a result of not trying so hard and being complacent in those situations. Apart from that, I wasn’t so engaged with my work and it came out in my performance. I was a bit timid and did not want to go out of my way to talk to customers and this resulted in my poor performance. I didn’t really have a game plan or strategy in talking to customers though we were taught about some of these during our training. However, I arrived at my shift everyday unprepared and I had no real contingencies or plans. Instead of actively going out of my way to talk to customers, I would passively wait for them to approach me first. If I better planned how I would go about my shifts and customers, I would have probably channeled my confidence in speaking to them and would have had a steady game plan on how to keep them interested.

I know that I could have planned better by listing concrete steps I could do to engage customers. Apart from that, I could have been more engaged and in the moment so the customers felt like they were talking to a friend rather than just an employee. Lastly, I should have acknowledged these faults earlier so I could have learned from them. Here, it was proved that planning helps one structure their goals and know what they want to achieve. Performance and the actual execution then is the phase where most of the action is done and should be done well to be successful. Lastly, learning should always be continuous in order for one to know what could be improved on next time.

Post from shyn

The time I was unsuccessful at achieving my academic goal was back in 2014. I was attending Penn State for my BA in marketing and management. I was excited to leave home for the first time and show everyone I was able to accomplish what I put my mind to. I started losing motivation my last year attending Penn State, when I lost my grandfather january of 2014. I felt like I had lost a piece of myself and fell into depression. I could not leave my room and I lost motivation in completing my goal in earning my BA in marketing and mangment. I picked up my stuff and left without letting anyone know and thinking I wasn’t good enough to finish my degree, because of the decrease I see in my GPA. after seeing how much my GPA dropped I wanted to get away and move onto something different. I know I could have completed my degree from home. Once I returned home I did not have the urge to want too accomplish my goal. I did not have any plans when I left the school I just moved on to working on getting a job.

There were a lot of things I could have done differently to accomplish my goal in getting my BA in marketing and management. I should have talked to someone about the way I was feeling instead of holding my feeling in. i could have asked someone how to handle the situation i was going through at the time and how I could get myself get back on track with school. Only If I talked with someone it could have given me the motivation to overcoming my depression and accomplishing my degree in marketing and management.

I learned to not beat myself up when I’m not feeling motivated to complete goals I set for myself. I have to remember i will have the opportunity to complete them at a different time in my life. This time will plan out my schedule for school and set boundaries in my personal life. Achieving my academic goal with determination, motivation and faith will help me pay attention to completing my BA in finance. Planning my schedule throughout the week will help me stay on track and help balance time for my personal life. One of my classmates advised me to use Sequence when procrastination starts to take over me. I fully agree with her when it comes to using my patterns as an advantage. I also need to start doing what I say instead just writing it down. I like to remember life will move on no matter if you’re standing still.


It was easy for me to pick a past situation in which I did not succeed. In 1998, I began my college career. In 2004 I ended my college career without my BA in Music Education. For 16 years, I’ve used the excuse that life got in the way when I had my oldest son during my last year of college. Returning to college in 2020 and the assignments for this class have helped me to uncover the real reason why my first attempt at a BA was unsuccessful.

Growing up, I liked music, and I was moderately talented. When it came time to select a college major, I had no idea what I wanted to do. With a music scholarship to a local community college, I quickly became a music education major and just continued on that path because I didn’t know any different. My first mistake was that I didn’t plan for what I truly wanted to do in life. I didn’t take the time to set a clear and reasonable goal and assess the future implications if I met my goal. My academic performance as a music major was average, at best. I did well in my core classes, but I had abysmal practice skills and self-discipline. I should have researched the requirements for completing a successful music education degree before I began my college career. Had I known in advance how much practicing was required, I would have known going into college that my degree would not be attainable based on my practice habits.

The adage is correct in that hindsight is 20/20. If I could go back, I would have approached my first attempt at college very differently. My first mistake was that I didn’t have a clear, achievable goal. I would have done more planning and research in the initial phases of selecting a major that was a better fit for my strengths and interests. I firmly believe that if I had chosen a major that was a better fit for my strengths and skillset, I would have been more successful. It is a true reflection of my sub-par performance since I don’t have my bachelor’s degree after six years of college. If I had truly wanted to complete my degree in music education, I needed to make my studies and practicing a higher priority.

Looking back at my previous attempt at college and living a lot of life between then and now, my personality and habits have changed significantly. I have planned meticulously for my return to college and learned from past mistakes. I worked with my manager to select the right degree for me based on my strengths, weaknesses, and long term career goals. Based on past behavior and performance, I know that only giving half of the effort in my performance will not allow me to reach my goals. Returning to college as an adult, I know that I will need to set a higher expectation of excellence for myself if I am going to be successful. I also believe that it will be vital for me to learn as I navigate through life as a non-traditional student. Each assignment allows me to take the feedback from my professors and my grades and determine if I need to use my metacognition to self-regulate and change my approach. It will be imperative to my success that I am flexible and allow myself some grace in my return to college life.

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