war with iraq

write a well-organized, well-researched, solidly edited, persuasive essay. Make sure to include your support in the form of facts, statistics or quotes. Properly frame the support and cite your sources. Consider your word choice and work to ensure a well-structured introduction and conclusion. Use what you?ve learned about adding phrases to improve your sentence variety.

This essay will be graded using the 6 writing traits rubric that can be found in the introduction to the course. There will be 20 points available per trait. The last 20 points will be for a works cited page. Look up the proper MLA formatting for works cited.

Given that this unit is about war and peace, you probably saw this coming. You will write your persuasive essay on the following question:

?Should the United States have gone to war in Iraq??

You can argue the affirmative or the negative. The speeches you have listened to in this unit can be used as sources. Good luck!

When you are satisfied with your paper, please submit this assignment. Please be sure to document your sources.

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