URGENT: need an effective introduction regarding emotional intelligence .

write an introduction for EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE BY DANIEL GOLEMAN body just 1 body paragraph of one of EI 4 concepts : empathy, self-control, self-awareness, sensitivity to feelings of others, persistence and self-motivation.

criteria :

To have an in effective introduction, one must have four essential details in their introduction paragraph. The first key concept is the hook or grabber to grab the readers attention. The second key concept is some background information about some points the readers are about to read and help them to have a better understanding of the context. The third key concept is the main points of what would be written in the essay. The last key concept is the thesis statement this is the writers argument for the entire essay.

1.) The hook- how will you get the reader’s attention? Often, the hook is comprised of a thought provoking question, a short story to emotionally engage the reader, a poignant quote, or a startling fact or statistic. Be careful when using any one of these techniques, though, as you must be sure to CONNECT whatever you choose to use as a hook to your thesis clearly.

2.) background/context- What do readers need to know before you make the points within your paper? What history, background, or context would be helpful to them in understanding what you go on to say? You might choose to include some history and/or define terms pertinent to your points or argument.

3.) topic sentence – A “roadmap” for your paper, give a brief overview of the points you will be making. You don’t need to go into much detail here, as that is what the body paragraphs are for, but you do want readers to have anticipated your points because you have told them in the introduction what you will be covering.

4.) The Thesis: state your thesis clearly and concisely within your introduction. Again, this is the one thing you most want readers to understand and remember when you are finished, so highlight it clearly in your introduction.

example :

Introduction :

What is IQ ? What is EQ? Have you ever wondered why sometimes someone can seem so “book smart”, but when it comes to what many might call common sense, they just can’t seem to make it? Or the inverse, have you known someone who wasn’t necessarily very “book smart”, but somehow seemed to effortlessly slip into successful situations? For decades, a lot emphasis has been put on certain aspects of intelligence, but primarily on IQ, or Intelligence Quotient. IQ includes aspects of Mathematics, spatial learning, Verbal, logical reasoning, and memory. This intelligence could predict to a significant degree of performances and some degree of personal and professional success. However, some people with fabulous IQ scores are doing poorly in their life. They somehow are wasting their potential by thinking, behaving and communication in a way that hinders their chances to succeed. There is something missing in the success equation. The missing part in the success equation is EQ or EIQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient). Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, had a recipe for handling relationship smoothly. He said,” You must be able to angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way ” – Aristotle, Greek philosopher -While psychologist, Daniel Goleman, called such self-control as Emotional Intelligence . This concept was made popular by his groundbreaking book Emotional Intelligence in 1999. EQ refers to a combination of skills such as empathy, self-control, self-awareness, sensitivity to feelings of others, persistence and self-motivation.

Body paragraph :

Firstly, self-awareness is the ability to recognize your own and other?s emotions, also their effects on the behavior and it is the key to the emotional intelligence. Self-awareness requires a good understanding of your personal strengths and limits. After you know your strengths and limits, you’ll be more confident about what you can and cannot do. Most athletes get intensive training to help them recognize and overcome emotions. Because they don?t want their performance to be affected by the emotions like frustration or anger. People who have good self-awareness allow them to motivate themselves and manage their emotions better, helps them with the intuitive decision making and helps them to lead and motivate themselves and others more effectively.

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