The Truth About Sugar



  • The most important information/key concepts we need to understand from this chapter is:
    • How can I use the information in the chapter to help me with my daily mindful eating practice?
    • In what ways will the material learned in this chapter help me manage my mindful eating and stress levels more effectively?
    • What are your thoughts and feedback regarding the information and the activities in this chapter?
    • What did you learn about sugar? Any effects on your mood, your appetitie, your ability to choose healthful foods

you can answer each questions individual or all together.

This assignment is a demonstraton that you:

  • Have read the entire chapter
  • Understand the activities
  • Can demonstrate in 800-1000 words to your instructor that you have done the reading
      All written work must be original contributions; i.e., not used in another
      course or another assignment). Written assignments should be neat, typed (12-
      point font, Times New Roman), and free of spelling, punctuation, and
      grammatical errors.
      . All written assignments must be organized and in correct APA
      format. APA format. APA format.

      This assignment is designed to support the following learning outcomes:

      • Mastery of effective oral and written communication in assignments and classroom discussions.
        • Thoughtfully respond to culturally relevant traditions related to food supply.
        • Perform personal and group critique of readings and class exercisesUnderstand the ways stress impact food choices, and food choices impact stress and food.
        • Identify the long-term consequences of stress on eating habits, and healthful eating.

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