The failure of leadership in one Shakespearean play, poetry literature assignment help
The failure of
leadership in one Shakespearean play
Length: Your
research paper should be 4-5 pages (6 pages maximum). This does NOT include
the APA formatted title page and the APA reference page. Your paper will be in
this order:
remember to include an APA formatted title page as the first page of your paper
and an APA reference page as the last part of your paper. The body of
your paper will be a minimum of 4 full pages and a maximum of 6 pages! DO NOT
Research Sources: Your research paper should discuss and cite a minimum of 5
but not more than 8 credible, scholarly sources (literary criticism) obtained
through academic databases of the university. I suggest that you start with
ESBSCO and ProQuest.
Manuscript format and length: Your paper will need to follow APA format
guidelines. You will need a title page and a reference page (no abstract is
required). Be sure to follow APA manuscript guidelines regarding font style
and size, spacing, margins, etc.
Documentation and avoiding plagiarism: Your paper should follow APA
documentation guidelines in order to avoid unintentional plagiarism. Remember
that whenever you use a scholar’s words or ideas, they must be documented in
your paper; otherwise, you are plagiarizing. Please document references to the
play(s)/textbook as well as all information from each of your research
This is how it will be graded.
Complete I: FINAL
/5 - The essay includes a strong
thesis that states the writers position on the topic and
gives the reader an idea of what the
paper will explore
/20 - The essay analyzes the
instructor-approved topic in a thoughtful, well-supported and
detailed manner
/10 - The essay includes a
combination of direct and indirect quotes from the plays (with
proper in-text citations) to support
the writers points/main ideas and thesis
/10 - The essay includes a
combination of direct and indirect quotes from the EACH of the
scholarly sources (with proper in-text
citations) to support the writers points/main ideas
and thesis
/10 - Paper is structured such that
each paragraph develops a single point in a unified,
coherent manner;; the essay makes use
of proper transitions and topic sentences in each
/5 - The essay has been edited for
grammatical, spelling, and proper mechanics and no
such errors appear
/5 - The essay formatted correctly,
i.e., double-spaced, 12-point font and includes a
properly formatted APA Title Page
/10 - The essay includes a properly
formatted APA Works Cited page that includes all
referenced texts and sources
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