Teaching Case Bank Solutions Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, writing homework help

Discussion Question 1. Managing a Remote Workforce

Most work forces are moving to more remote access. How do you manage people remotely? How do you make sure that they are included in the team. Our example has only two countries involved, what if there are many? How do you provide them access into the network securely? Especially if they are coming in from other countries that are known for infiltrating networks??

2. Conflict Management Techniques

Conflict management techniques come in handy when you are working in organizations. Most people do not have a good skill set in this area. Read the article, Conflict Management Techniques, available here, http://www.personalityexplorer.com/home/FREEResources/ConflictManagementTechniques.aspx. You might recognize a technique you already use. Select one technique and provide an example of how you think it may be used during a merger, or formation of a team. Provide details

3.Cultural Differences

Cultural differences when companies merge can last for years. There have been instances when the acquired company had more advanced technology then the other company, and they were forced to step back in time. That is a very frustrating experience. How would you tackle this issue?

4. Actions for Integration Issues

What integration issues do merging companies face? What techniques can a security professional use to ease cultural differences? How would the security professional bring together both IT teams so they feel comfortable? One of the most “invisible” barriers to success is the feeling of other IT professionals or teams “loss of control”. How can you ease fears and build a positive team?

Essay question. Project #4 Detailed Assignment Description

Develop a Security Plan and Recommendation Memo to the CIO. The Plan must communicate the security strategy and technologies (minimum of 3) you are recommending from P1/P2/P3. Include a brief description of the technologies you are proposing with associated costs, expected return on investment (ROI), mitigation of risks, barriers to success. You must also include a detailed Network Diagram illustrating how this technology fits into the infrastructure.

The Recommendation Memo is a one page Executive Memo to the CIO summarizing and introducing the Plan. The recommendation memo will be on plain white background and carry the same formatting as a formal letter. You may use one of the MS Office or similar memo styles that meet this requirement. The Plan (your second deliverable for this assignment) will be a minimum 5 page, double-spaced paper using Times New Roman 12 font and APA style formatting for citations and references. It will also include a minimum of 5 references. The Title/Cover page, illustrations (tables/charts/graphs), network diagram, and references are not part of the page count but are required for the assignment. The grading rubric provides additional details as to what should be included in the paper. Your instructor may provide an APA style template to use for this paper.

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