Social Media Marketing Content Analysis

prepare an analysis of the social and content marketing strategies evident on the company Web site and social media presence. When analyzing the sites, consider the following:

  • What social media sites do they use most intensively? How do you know if you are viewing an official social media site for the company and not a product or company fan page?
  • How do they market on these sites? Where do they fit on Chaffey’s and Smith?s social media marketing radar?
  • What type of content is used on the company’s Web site and social network sites (video, e-books, webinars, et cetera)?
  • Can you identify SELL, SPEAK, SERVE, and SIZZLE social media marketing goals?
  • Does the content on the Web site have intrinsic value to the customer? In what way?
  • Does the content on the social network sites have more or less value to the customer than the content on the Web site? In what way?
  • Does the company demonstrate that they understand what buyers want to know about products? Why or why not?
  • What recommendations can you make to improve the social and content marketing efforts of your company, based on the strategies you have learned?

Submit your analysis as a Microsoft Word document containing 600?800 words. All written assignments must attribute sources following APA rules.

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