role of culture in human resource management practices within a global organization, business & finance homework help

For this assignment, I have to write an essay that assesses the role of culture in human resource management practices within a global organization. In this paper I must give examples of how cultural differences may affect at least two human resource (HR) functions. Examples of these functions may include recruitment and hiring, employee and/or management development, performance reviews, promotions, compensation, and benefits however, I am not limited to these functions.

My essay should follow the guidelines below.

1. Writing should include proper grammar, sentence structure, and writing mechanics.

2. The organization of the paper should be logical, and must include an introduction section with a clear thesis statement as well as a conclusion section.

3. The paper should be at least three pages in length. and use a minimum of two outside sources.

4. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format. Your paper must be formatted in APA style to include a title page, running head, and reference page

5. There are two additional references identified below that you may find helpful when completing this assignment, but you are not required touse them.

a. The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited. (2015). What’s next: Future global trends affecting your organization: Engaging and integrating a globalworkforce. Retrieved from…

b. Von Glinow, M. A., Drost, E. A., & Teagarden, M. B. (2002). Converging on IHRM bestpractices: Lessons learned from a globally distributed consortium on theory and practice. Human Resource Management, 41(1), 123.

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