?Rocks and Minerals Unit Journal Assignment

Rocks and Minerals Unit Journal Assignment

It is now time to submit your journal entries from this unit. You should have the following entries in your journal from your work in this unit:

  1. Crinoid Fossils, from the Sedimentary Rocks section (10 points) —-
    Journal: Crinoid FossilsOne common fossil in the Wasatch Mountains, which you saw in the section introduction, is of an organism called crinoids, shown in the image below on the left. Crinoids lived in ancient shallow seas. When they died, their bodies fell down to the bottom of the seafloor and became preserved as fossils in the layers of mud and other sediments.Over time, those mud and sediment layers hardened into solid rock while the fossils remained intact.
    a living crinoid Living Crinoid fossil crinoids Fossil Crinoids

    Now, millions of years later, hikers in these high Utah mountains can find evidence of sea animals that lived there at one time. The crinoid fossils are found in many of the rocks that make up the mountains—evidence of what ancient environmental conditions were like. How do you think they got from the ocean floor to the mountains?

  2. Neighborhood Rocks, from the Sedimentary Rocks section (10 points)—–
    In your journal, describe some of the rocks around your school, home, or neighborhood. Describe some of their properties, such as how they look, the minerals that you think are in them, their texture and feel, and any other distinguishing features. Discuss whether or not any of the rocks you find look like those you have learned about so far in this unit.
  3. Metamorphism, from the Metamorphic Rocks section (10 points)——————————————————————-Journal: MetamorphismHave you seen a cocoon or chrysalis? A cocoon is the mid-stage of the life cycle of a butterfly. The butterfly starts out as an egg then hatches as a caterpillar. After the caterpillar stage, it creates a cocoon to complete a metamorphosis into a butterfly. Likewise, rocks can also be metamorphic. If something “morphs,” what does it do?Look up the origin of the word metamorphic at dictionary.com. You will see that the word is derived from “meta” and “morphic.”In your journal describe what you learn about the word metamorphic. Also, describe how the term metamorphic as it applies to rocks is similar to the term metamorphosis as it applies to living organisms such as butterflies.
  4. Structural Properties, from the Structural Properties of Rock Bodies section (10 points)————————————–Journal: Structural PropertiesOne of the most fundamental laws of geology is that sedimentary rock layers are laid down horizontally, one layer evenly over the previous layer. But in this picture you see layers of rock that are now warped and folded and thrust upward into a vertical orientation. How do you think the layers got that way? folded rock layers in a mountain To help you answer that question, gather three or four towels of the same size. Place them horizontally on a table, one towel on top of the other. Then, with a hand at each end of the pile of towels, push inward on the towels so that they crumple together in the middle. Imagine the towels represent horizontal rock layers. What types of forces on Earth could make them become pressed together, compressed, and crumpled?

Submit your completed journal assignments to the Rocks and Minerals Unit Journal Assignment link for grading. For more information on how this assignment will be graded, review the Rocks and Minerals Unit Journal Assignment Rubric

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