review for History 109


The instructor recommends allotting 300 minutes to complete this assignment. Time Recommendation: 180 minutes to read the academic journal article and 120 minutes to write and edit the 2-page review. This is only a recommendation, you may spend more or less time on this assignment depending on your ability and availability.


Historians love to review the works of other historians. Whenever a new history book is written, the historical profession selects experts in particular fields of studies to determine the value and contribution the new work will have on the academic discipline. Upon completion of the course’s reading, each student will be considered an expert and be required to read an academic article and submit a 2-page review (minimum). Students are encouraged to celebrate the author’s accomplishments, but also challenge anything that seems substandard. Style and creativity play a crucial role in the success of your review.

Pick one of the Academic Journal Articles below:


  • Two pages (minimum)
  • 12 point font
  • Double spaced
  • Paragraphs

Each paper should include the following:

  1. The author’s purpose in writing the article
  2. The author’s main thesis
  3. The author’s challenging of other historical viewpoints
  4. The evidence utilized by the author (specifically primary sources)
  5. Personal likes/dislikes
  6. How could the author make the work stronger?
  7. The recommended audience for the article?
  8. Explain how this article contributes to understanding the history of the United States
  9. An example of how this article supports/contradicts Eric Foner’s Give Me Liberty
  10. Suggested reading to accompany this work (not required, but helpful)

Helpful Information

Instructions for Submitting

  • On the right-hand side of the screen click on the icon that says “SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT”
  • Click on the tab “File Upload” to attach your AJA Review.
  • Click on the tab “Text Entry” if you wish to copy and paste OR write your review in the box provided.
  • Be sure to click “SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT” after you finishing uploading the document. If you need help converting pages click on this link.


The AJA Rubric (1) (1)

The AJA Rubric (1) (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePage and Format Requirement

30.0 pts

Meets minimum page requirement (2 full pages).

5.0 pts

Does not meet minimum page requirement (1.5 pages or less)

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAJA Requirements and Quality

30.0 pts

Answers the specific AJA requirements. Incorporates pertinent and detailed information from scholarly work. Maintains focus/avoids being sidetracked by tangents. Presents all information clearly and concisely and in an organized manner. Avoids distracting grammar/spelling/etc. problems.

25.0 pts

Answers most of the AJA requirements, however, may miss one of the following (thesis, purpose, relationship to history, or target audience). Incorporates pertinent and detailed information from scholarly work. Maintains focus/avoids being sidetracked by tangents. Presents all information clearly and concisely and in an organized manner. Avoids distracting grammar/spelling/etc. problems.

20.0 pts

Answers many of the AJA requirements, however, missed more than one of the following (thesis, purpose, relationship to history, or target audience). Incorporates pertinent and detailed information from scholarly work. Maintains focus/avoids being sidetracked by tangents. Presents all information clearly and concisely and in an organized manner. Avoids distracting grammar/spelling/etc. problems.

15.0 pts

May have met all the AJA requirements, however did not incorporate pertinent and detailed information from the scholarly work and/or sidetracked off into a reactionary tangent. Presents information in a manner that is sometimes unclear, and/or has significant organization problems. Avoids distracting grammar/spelling/etc. problems.

10.0 pts

May have met all the AJA requirement, however did not incorporate pertinent and detailed information from the scholarly work and/or sidetracked off into a reactionary tangent. Provides no information that can be understood or related to the specific topic May lack any recognizable organization May contain enough distracting grammar/spelling/etc. problems to make it substantially incomprehensible.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrimary Source Identification

20.0 pts

Identified 3 specific primary sources.

15.0 pts

Identified 2 specific primary sources.

10.0 pts

Identified 1 specific primary source.

8.0 pts

Identified primary sources, but not specific.

1.0 pts

Identified the wrong source.

0.0 pts

No attempt made to identify primary sources.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTextbook Critical Analysis

20.0 pts

Support/contradict the textbook with a direct quote from textbook.

15.0 pts

Support/contradiction validated with page number or chapter reference instead of a direct quote.

10.0 pts

Support/contradiction asserted without any specific validation from the textbook using a direct quote. Does include a generalized narrative of why support/contradict the textbook.

5.0 pts

Support/contradiction asserted without any specific validation from the textbook using a direct quote. Also lacks any sort of generalize narrative of why support or contradiction was proposed.

2.0 pts

Student stated that it did not support or contradict the textbook without validation.

1.0 pts

Student obviously did not read the book so their analysis of support or contradiction is too general, too vague, and/or incorrect.

0.0 pts

No support/contradiction of the textbook.

20.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


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