Research about designing
I want to Design children library in Taif City in Saudi Arabia
Here is my Thesis Optional Questions:(you can change them)
– Please find problem in library design and then question could be what the problem and how to deal ?
– How the children get benefit from Biophilia ?
– how to bring the community to the library ?
– why technology is important and who to
(These are examples if you find good questions please be spesific
I attached Thesis example you can see it
also I attached the intional Lit review and Intional Mind mapping (you can change the)
IN the INTRODUCTION you have to mention that the idea to design a children library comes to me due to in Taif City we don’t have children library also it comes for e from my daughter she likes reading book and searching digitally for books. Also Mention the education process in SA and how it is deferent in the USA.
you have to do the following
- INTRODUCTION should has Design Project & Statement of Problem( I WANT you to search for problem and how to deal with this problem & Purpose of the Study & Goals and Objectives &Scope and Limitations
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