Psychological Testing and Assessment Project
- This paper will not be ran through any plagiarism system at my school so this is not mandatory of being original as long as the work is properly cited and given credit for if utilized from sources with exact words. However, I need a solution that will allow me to gain good points on this final project since it is a huge part of my course grade.
- A template will be uploaded for you to use so please use this template for the solution. If at any point you would like for me to provide you with personal login info I can do that as long as a trusted tutor is assigned to this project.
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First, start your intro with a hook- Why do we use psychological test? Why are they important to understand differences of tests? you may have taken a fun psychological test on Facebook or on the internet, but how accurate are those tests? Psychological tests are used to?. It is important that rest be credible and valid because?.This paper will detail the analysis of three psychological tests: (1)?.(2)?(3)?.. Further, this paper will examine? go on to list the major sections. Your introduction should be 1- 2 paragraphs.
Purpose and Importance of Test Criteria
(this section should 1 paragraph each)
In this section you can use your text book to list and discuss test criteria. Evaluate test criteria and discuss the importance of test criteria.Create a short intro on why criteria are important and then let your reader know you will be talking about the many different aspects of criteria listed below and that each one related to validity, reliability, generalizability or standardization is some way.Make sure you cite your resources- there should be at least one cite for each paragraph- these are not just opinions.
Purpose/Description of the Measure
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Author and/or Publisher
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Test Delivery Type (e.g. paper-based, computer based)
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Time Allocation/Limits for Testing
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Testing Environment (e.g. classroom setting, proctored)
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Verification of Examinee Identity
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Distribution to and Collection of Tests from Examinees
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Testing Procedures for Examinees with Disabilities
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Testing procedures for Examinees with Limited English Proficiency
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Test Security
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Reliability of Test
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Generalizability of the Results
Discuss the definition and meaning, state the purpose of this criteria and give examples
Good reference cite
Identification of Test Administration Manuals
This section should be approx. 1 page for the description and identification of each test manual
Create a short intro to this section and state the type and names of the test manuals here. Once you have stated the manual make an in-text cite for each one and each time you reference the manual, cite it- you do not have to cite in the chart below.
Test Manual 1 Name
Describe the test manual and what it is used for
Test Manual 2 Name
Describe the test manual and what it is used for
Test Manual 3 Name
Describe the test manual and what it is used for
Comparison of Manuals and Test Criteria
This will end up being appx 1-1/2 pages in length
Create a short intro to this section and state why it is important to evaluate test criteria. Add in that the below chart is a visual descriptive comparison that compares each manual with each criteria. (single space the chart- I think it already is set up that way)
Criteria |
Name Manual |
Name Manual |
Name Manual |
Purpose |
Author |
Test Delivery |
Time Limits |
Testing Environment |
Verification of Examinee Identity |
Distribution & Collection of test |
Testing Procedures for the Disabled |
Testing Procedures for those with Limited English Proficiency |
Test Security |
Test Reliability |
Generalizability of Results |
Recommendation and Rationale of Test Administration Manual
This section should be at least 3 pages in length
In this section you will use the above data to recommend on test manual over the other two. State the reason you would use the recommended test manual and give detailed rich descriptions and examples of why the selected test manual is superior to the other two.So we might see something like Test A has an elaborate and expansive address of administering to all people that includes attention to disabilities- example?.. the other do a poor job of attending to support elements of persons with disabilities?examples?. I should see five or six comparisons that give enough evidence to rationalize your selection of the one test over the other. There is no right or wrong, the evaluator is just trying to see if you can substantiate the evidence you have gathered. Don?t forget to cite each manual each time you talk about it.
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