Persuasive Research Essay

I need you to write 4-5 pages on the topic Gun Control. I stand in favor with gun control, and I have found one article that you can use as a first source. You would need to find another source.

This paper is to be a minimum of 4 to 5 pages in length, conforming to all MLA rules for the proper formatting anddocumenting of research/sources used in the composition of the essay. It is to be typewritten on 8 1/2 X 11? paper, using a respectable twelve-point font.


For this assignment, use the controversial topic that you selected for your summary report to write a persuasive research paper. This is based on a current issue for which you have a very strong opinion or position. You already began your research by writing a summary report. Find at least one other source and write a persuasive essay that will convince your reader to agree with you, or take action on the given topic. In fashioning an effective persuasive essay, be certain to consider the following questions:

1) What viewpoint is the source of my argument?
2) What is the issue of addressed controversy?
3) How is my argument structured in terms of reasons and conclusions? 4) What are my argument?s strengths and weaknesses?

Use these prompts as a means to develop and hone an effective persuasive essay of your choice. Be sure to defend your argument by using any of the following supportive features (this will require that you perform some research):

1) Empirical Evidence

  1. Statistics
  2. Authorities
  3. Facts
  4. Examples
  5. Personal testimony/anecdotes

2) Appeals
a. Logical

b. Emotional

c. Ethical

Also, you must incorporate counter-argumentation. Remember, this is where you object to someone else?s perspective by (a) directly attacking your opponent?s own statements; (b) putting forth another statement like it; (c) putting forth a statement contrary to it; (d) quoting previous decisions found in other sources. Create an essay that thoroughly discusses your unique perspective, and use as many supportive features as possible to validate your particular thesis.

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