Need a power point presentation on possible infrastructural design for a new car manufacturing company.

Need a power point presentation (5-6) slides with notes on possible infrastructural design for a new car manufacturing company. I have attached group work containing all required information.

Unit 6 – Final Presentation

Groups should work together to create a presentation on the product or service chosen. Presentations should

encompass the information gathered and synthesized in Units 2, 3 & 5, plus any other relevant information

gathered by the groups. The presentation should be about 10-slides and the content should look

professional. Check all content for grammar, spelling and to be sure that you have properly cited all resources

(in APA format) used in the creation of the presentation.

Presentations should cover at a minimum, the following:

Slide 5-6: Possible Infrastructural Design:

  • Planning and control considerations
  • Inventory Management
  • Capacity Management

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