Module 05 Business Capstone Project – Management Information Systems

The owners of MovieFlix realize that they need to modernize their information management systems in order to make their processes run more smoothly and to solve some of their business problems.

  • In 2-3 pages, discuss a technology system that you suggest for the company.
    • Include why you selected that particular database or information system and how it will help improve MovieFlix’s processes.
    • Discuss the potential costs of the system to the organization and how the system will help the company to increase their revenue.
  • Remember to use credible sources. Make sure to write your paper utilizing proper APA formatting guidelines, and to include an APA formatted title page. Use NoodleBib to document your sources and to complete your APA formatted reference page and in-text citations.

Please refer to our previous projects we did on this. You did the previous modules. Also for the technology system, please use this cassandra system, I’m attaching the link to how it works for netflix and since we are comparing MovieFlix to it’s competitors of online video streaming to netflix and amazon, this should help. Remember we are trying to solve this for Movieflix: Marketing and Customer Loyalty – challenge to market to potential customers effectively and retain existing customers. so we are wanting to retain customers and ultimately steal customers from netflix and amazon as well as bring on new business so utlizing a database like Cassandra would help. Also, you’ll have to google the costs etc to include in the paper. Please see below grading rubric to follow closely.…

Emerging Competence Proficiency Mastery
Spelling and Grammar (10 Pts) Points:3 (3%)

Paper is not submitted or more than 10 errors in English grammar and mechanics observed. No introduction paragraph, thesis, or conclusion paragraph included. Proper writing mechanics were not used.

Points:6 (6%)

6-10 errors in English grammar and mechanics. Missing 2 or more of the following: introduction paragraph with thesis, and conclusion paragraph. Proper writing mechanics somewhat used.

Points:8 (8%)

3-5 errors in English grammar and mechanics, and/or missing 1 or more of the following: introduction paragraph with thesis, and conclusion paragraph. Proper writing mechanics mostly used.

Points:10 (10%)

0-2 errors in English grammar and mechanics. Included an introduction paragraph with thesis, and conclusion paragraph. Used proper writing mechanics including proper grammar, sentence structure, transitions, and punctuation.

Paper Length, Title Page (10 Pts)

Points:3 (3%)

Page is not submitted.

Points:6 (6%)

Paper is less than 1 page in length, and/ or no APA title page provided.

Points:8 (8%)

Paper is between 1-2 pages in length and/or no APA title page provided.

Points:10 (10%)

Paper is at least 2 pages in length. APA formatted title page provided.

Suggested Technology System (20 Pts)
TS – Digital Fluency

Points:5 (5%)

Content was not included or incomplete, and/or extremely inaccurate.

Points:10 (10%)

Content shows a basic understanding of key ideas, yet includes some inaccuracies.

Points:15 (15%)

Content meets criteria with minimal errors, is accurate and shows a clear understanding through appropriate examples and explanations.

Points:20 (20%)

Content meets or exceeds criteria, is accurate and shows an extraordinary understanding through rich examples and explanations.

Discussed Selection of System (20 Pts)
TS – Digital Fluency

Points:5 (5%)

Content was not included or incomplete, and/or extremely inaccurate.

Points:10 (10%)

Content shows a basic understanding of key ideas, yet includes some inaccuracies.

Points:15 (15%)

Content meets criteria with minimal errors, is accurate and shows a clear understanding through appropriate examples and explanations.

Points:20 (20%)

Content meets or exceeds criteria, is accurate and shows an extraordinary understanding through rich examples and explanations.

Potential Costs of System and Benefits to Revenue (20 Pts)

Points:5 (5%)

Content was not included or incomplete, and/or extremely inaccurate.

Points:10 (10%)

Content shows a basic understanding of key ideas, yet includes some inaccuracies.

Points:15 (15%)

Content meets criteria with minimal errors, is accurate and shows a clear understanding through appropriate examples and explanations.

Points:20 (20%)

Content meets or exceeds criteria, is accurate and shows an extraordinary understanding through rich examples and explanations.

APA and Credible Sources (20 Pts)
TS – Information Literacy

Points:5 (5%)

No sources used. No elements of APA formatting used.

Points:10 (10%)

More than one of the required sources is missing from the research. Some elements of APA formatting used. Did not include in-text citations for paraphrased or quoted material.

Points:15 (15%)

One of the required sources is missing from the research. Most elements of APA formatting used and/or did not include in-text citations for paraphrased or quoted material.

Points:20 (20%)

Used proper APA format and included in-text citations for paraphrased or quoted material. Included a properly formatted APA reference page with a minimum of 2 credible sources including academic sources.

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