Manager or Leader

Please make sure that each part of this assignment is addressed…Absolutely no PLAGIARISM!!! I have attached the articles but please also use another academic source. Must include in-text citations, as well as references at the end?I have attached my supervisors interview questions for another assignments and also a memo I did…Please review so that you get an idea of who she is….

Manager or Leader, too?

The key to differentiating between leaders and managers is that they accomplish the business operations in different ways. Often, one person both leads and manages, but that is not always the case.

In the article “What Leaders Do”, Kotter describes three business operations/functions of leaders vs those of managers, namely:

  • Setting a Direction vs. Planning & Budgeting
  • Aligning People vs. Organizing & Staffing

3.Motivating People vs Controlling & Problem-Solving

Your task is to evaluate your current manager based on the above, providing examples to support your analysis.

In crafting your answer, include headings for each of the three business operations/functions to clearly delineate your analysis for each one.

Remember – citing assigned course materials is encouraged to demonstrate tie-in to concepts covered, but it is not considered outside research for the purposes of our discussion.

Graduate Discussion Rubric (Standard – 2016)



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Quality of Initial Response

Initial response displays an excellent understanding of the course readings and underlying concepts and includes the correct use of relevant terminology. Initial response integrates specific real-life application (current events, work or personal experience, prior coursework, etc.) to support key points. Initial response is clear, concise, and compelling. [35-32 points]

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Research

Initial response contains at least one reference to a valid (recent, relevant, high-quality) external source of information pertaining to the discussion topic. Research is cited, in-text, to support key points. Integration of research in initial response exceeds expectations.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics

Entirely free of mechanical errors. These include: grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting (font style and size).

10.0 pts

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