Lesson 7 – Human Resource Management

Not all Generation Xers, baby boomers, or Generation Ys want the same things from a career. What generation are you in, and what do you want in terms of a career? Then talk to someone in another generation. Ask them the same questions.

Write a minimum 2 page paper with your findings

Remember: All writing must be supported by academic literature and will be in APA format during this course. You must cite each and every sentence in which you used materials from your academic literature. Your work will be checked for academic integrity by the Turnitin system. For a great breakdown of academic literature, please visit: https://www.lib.unb.ca/research/success/understanding.php

PLEASE DO NOT USE Wikipedia, Ask.com, Articlebase, businessdictionary.com, eHow, smallbusiness.chron.com, term paper websites, etc. From time-to-time, the professor my point out other sources that are not reliable academic sources.

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