LENS ESSAY – Revision of my work (Just Mercy & 13th Documentary) must reveal somethings about Just Mercy (Fix My Work)
Revise my Lens Essay .. (Systematic Control, inequality, & dehumanization)
Lens Text: Just Mercy
Target Text: theme & quotes from Just Mercy (Systematic Control, inequality, & dehumanization)
Focus Text(s): 13th Documentary
(Revise my work) instead of comparing which I have do, use quotes in my draft essay to create a conversation between Lens Text (Just Mercy) by Bryan Stevenso and Focus Text (13th Documentary) by Ava DuVernay according to the templates bellow:
Planning the Essay:
Word Requirement: 1000-1200 (about 4-5 pages)
Sources: Just Mercy and 13TH Documentary. Italic books and movies
MLA format with full realized work cited
Generally, the lens should reveal something about the original or target text that may not be otherwise apparent. Alternatively, your analysis may call the validity of the arguments of the lens piece into question, extend the arguments of the lens text, or provoke some other reevaluation of the two texts. Either way, you will be generating a critical dialogue between texts.
Background Info.
Introduce Just Mercy, themes or events you will be address
Introduce 13th Documentary, themes or events you will be address
concentrate on the central ideas/themes of the lens text
critical analysis of the target text reveals about the texts
Thesis Statement
Body: (3 of them)
Topic Sentence: what the lens text reveals about the target text (or vice versa)
lens texts themes/topics to examine the focus text(or vice versa)
Open up by introducing a quote, then the quote from the Lens Text (MLA)
relevance of the quote to the topic sentence
Transition phrase
Open up by introducing a quote, then the quote from the Focus Text (MLA)
similarities/differences in the stances taken detailed discussion conversation between the texts. Templates Bellow:
The author of the lens text lays out a helpful framework for understanding instances of ________ in the target text. Indeed, in the target text, one sees ________, which could be considered an example of ________ by the lens authors definition. Therefore, we see a point of commonality concerning ________. This similarity reveals ________.
According to the lens text _______ tends to occur in situations where _______. By the lens authors definition, ________ in the target text could be considered an instance of _______. However, this parallel is imperfect because _______. As such, we become aware of ________.
One sees ________ in the target text, which calls the lens authors argument that ________ into question because ________.
If the author of the lens text is correct that ________, one would expect to see ________ in the target text. However, ________ actually takes place, revealing a critical point of disagreement. This discord suggests that ________. This issue is important because ________.
In discussions of X, one controversial issue has been __________. On the one hand, __________ argues __________. On the other hand, __________ contends __________. Others even maintain __________. My own view is __________. When it comes to the topic of __________, most of us will readily agree that __________. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of __________. Whereas some are convinced that __________, others maintain that __________. In conclusion, then, as I suggested earlier, defenders of __________ cant have it both ways. Their assertion that __________ is contradicted by their claim that __________.
I think X is mistaken because she overlooks __________.
Xs claim that __________ rests upon the questionable assumption that __________.
I disagree with Xs view that __________ because, as recent research has shown, __________.
X contradicts himself. On the one hand, he argues __________. But on the other hand, he also says __________.
By focusing on __________, X overlooks the deeper problem of __________.
X claims __________, but we dont need him to tell us that. Anyone familiar with __________ has long known that __________.
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