just need to fix the problem with the paper of comment from feedback


I have been asked to REDO for the 2nd time. Comments: The paper still needs to be restructure and worked on.

GRADE 50/100

1. INTRODUCTION: You must have 3-4 paragraphs that provides data about the impact of Type 2 diabetes. It has to make the case why Type 2 diabetes is a national and local problem

  1. Statement of the Problem: Why is this a problem for the community? You have to build a rationale and make the case why this is a problem.
  1. Purpose of the Paper: In Line 3 (Insulin Resistance etc. : This is a general topic and purpose. You have to condensed it and make it manageable. This purpose does not state what exactly do you want to do and examine.


Problem Statement


– Purpose of the paper including rationale

Research Questions

– Rationale for each question

– Hypothesis

Please be sure to use APA FORMAT referencing and citation


Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes can be related to poor diet lack of exercise and weight gain. People with type 2 diabetes always encounter poor health issues especially when it comes to unhealthy diet and the limited access to physical activity. Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance is on the rise among African American women and had been a major issue to access care. One of the reasons of the limited care access; is high blood sugar, unhealthy diet and lack of finances. Therefore, a healthy diet and a good finance will help people with diabetes to live well and foster the care they deserve. This paper will discuss the unhealthy habit that leads to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes among African American women and lack of exercise that can cause overweight.

Table of Content


  • i)Facts and rationale about diabetes????????????????????.4
  • ii)Statement of the problem???????????????????????…4
  • iii)The purpose of the paper????????????????????…???.5


iv) Research questions which includes hypothesis and rationale???????????..6

v) Limitations?????????????????????????…?????6

How physical activity helps and how it can be helpful?????????????..???.6

iv)Purposed research design??????…?????????????????.7



For a long time, the correlation between insulin resistance as well as type 2 diabetes has been undisputable (Chacon, et.al2016). Insulin resistance is important and it is not only the most powerful predictor of the future development of type 2 diabetes but also a therapeutic target once hyperglycemia is present. Based on this scenario; it is likely to contribute to the muscle insulin resistance that predisposes to type 2 diabetes.

  • About one third of all people with diabetes do not know they have the disease
  • Type 2 diabetes often does not have any symptoms
  • Only about five percent of all people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes
  • If you are at risk, type 2 diabetes can be prevented with moderate weight loss (10-15 pounds) and 30 minutes of moderate physical activity (such as brisk walking) each day.
  • Good control of diabetes significantly reduces the risk of developing complications and prevents complications from getting worse.
  • Bariatric surgery can reduce the symptoms of diabetes in obese people.

Diabetes is a chronic health problem and can be quite devastating which prompts the need for taking control of diabetes to improve quality of life which has put the spotlight on the need for additional support and education for patients with type 2 diabetes.

The fundamental objective of this research paper is to establish the correlation between insulin resistance as well as type 2 diabetes has been undisputable (Chacon, et.al, 2016).[SS3] Insulin resistance is important and it is not only the most powerful predictor of future development of type 2 diabetes but also a therapeutic target once hyperglycemia is present. Based on this scenario; it is likely to contribute to the muscle insulin resistance that predisposes to type 2 diabetes.


Normally; during the prediabetes stage it is evident that the beta cells are said to be unable to produce enough insulin that is used to overcome insulin resistance. This causes the blood glucose levels to rise above the normal range. It is said that once an individual has prediabetes, continued loss of beta cell function may lead to type 2 diabetes (Chacon, et.al,2016).

Insulin resistance is common among overweight people. Usually obese or overweight people are deemed to be more vulnerable to insulin resistance. According to research this is commonly caused by the metabolic changes that are brought on by excess weight prevent cells in the liver as well as muscles from utilizing glucose. This can happen irrespective of the normal insulin levels in the body. According to research; insulin hormone plays an integral role in helping the human body to metabolize, or burn, glucose. By doing so; the body in effect becomes ?resistant? to insulin. The body?s response to this is to produce more insulin.

There are more than a few health risks that are associated with insulin resistance. For example,; it is said that insulin resistance is the main cause hyperinsulinemia, or high circulating insulin levels (Feinberg, 2016). In many occasions; this can be directly damaging to blood vessels. Imperative research reveals that Hyperinsulinemia is also associated with other chronic disease such as high blood pressure, heart disease as well as heart failure, obesity (particularly abdominal obesity), osteoporosis (thinning bones). Others include but not limited to certain types of cancer, such as colon, breast, as well as prostate cancer. On the contrary; having low circulating insulin levels is associated with greater longevity; most centenarians without diabetes have low circulating insulin levels (Feinberg, 2016).

What are some of the causes of the causes of diabetes type 2

What can be done to control this disease and prevent it?

As people and health organization strive to mitigate the menace of diabetes type 2; there are various limitations that hinder these efforts such as;

How physical activity helps and how it can be helpful:

As they say; exercise more to live longer. Physical exercise can have more than a few positive impact on the human life when it comes to diabetes 2 and insulin resistance. According to research; exercising can have one of the biggest effects of any measure that an individual may take to improve their insulin sensitivity (Chacon, et.al, 2016). Clinicians and dieticians argue that any physical activity has the potential to make the human insulin work better. This may include but not limited to combining aerobic activities such as brisk walking, swimming, as well as cycling with resistance training, or weight training, appears to have the greatest effect. Aerobic activities burn more calories (and glucose) per session, which means that the more physical exercises we undertake the better it is for our health.

Numerous reliable studies have shown the positive impact of physical activity in regards to improving insulin sensitivity. In one study it was revealed that young adult women (ages 18-35), both six months of thrice-weekly aerobic training as well as six months of resistance training improved glucose use in the body. Based on this; we can declare without an iota of confidence that it is true that exercise is indeed helpful (Feinberg, 2016).

The purposed research design for this assignment would be a quantitative research.


Chacon, A., Soler, M.J.., Escalada, J., Riera, M.., Mora, J. M., & Garcia-Fernandez, N. (2016)

Mp429levels of serum angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2 (ace2) are associated with increased insulin resistance independently of albuminuria in type 2 diabetes. Nephrology dialysis transplantation, 31(suppl 1), i482-1482.

Feinberg, M..H. (2016). Treating psychological insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes.

[SS1]Yvonne, for the introduction section of the paper you must have 3-4 paragraphs that provides data about the impact of Types 2 Diabetes. It has to make the case why Type 2 Diabetes is a national ad local problem.

[SS2]Again why is this a problem for the community? You have to build a rationale and make the case why this is a problem.

[SS3]Yvonne, this is a general topic and purpose. You have to condense it and make it manageable. This purpose does not state what exactly do you want to do and examine.

[SS4]Please look at the guide in Moodle for the paper structure.

Thank you

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