jazz music report, art & design homework help
This assignment is a 1125 word live music report. 1125 words (1500 words maximum)
one teacher did not do the work and left me with no paper done that is due today.
Here is a link the day that we went there they play similar to that: July 19th 2017, please write it in the paper.
Our date attendance is
Live Music Report Outline –>>> see attachment
picture so you see the club and people and environment.
GRade rules!!
1. Student is required to listen to 1 hour of a totally live performance where the music is the focus of the event with exception in regards to musicals, ballets or religious services. 10 pts.
2. Paper and all documentation are to be submitted on time. 10 pts.
3. Paper is to be 1125 words in length, double-spaced, twelve point font. 10 pts.
4. Paper uses all of these musical terms correctly ? Dynamics, timbre, texture, consonance, dissonance, piece, melody, harmony, rhythm, meter, tempo, instrumentation, syncopation 10 pts.
5. Pieces are to be described accurately in terms of stylistic period. 10 pts.
6. Pieces are to be described accurately in terms of Form (repetition, variation, contrast) and Content (qualitative, quantitative). 10 pts.
7. Paper is devoid of any English usage and syntax errors. Please Note: Musical thinking supersedes all English usage and syntax errors. 10 pts. 8. Paper is to be in your own words, no cutting or pasting from other sources (Introduction-Body ?Conclusion) and makes use of the Live Music Report Outline. 10 pts.
9. Paper has been carefully proof read prior to handing it in. 10 pts.
10.Student?s proof of attendance is to be clearly documented.10 pts
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