I would like to know based on this information provided if one could describe a…

I would like to know based on this information provided if one could describe a change strategy for Gene One and what is the best leadership style? …….

Based on Don the CEO of Gene One: what is his leadership style? He has to make decisions that are not popular with his team and not popular with the board as well. He seems to exhibit two types of leadership styles. In the article Don has made his decision and has acted on it. What is the leadership style he is exhibiting? …….

What was the strategy used to change the outcome into a favorable one that kept the team intact?

Scenario as follows:

Greg: Don, I am hearing rumors about your doubt in some of our team members. But, right now, I am more concerned about what you are going to tell the employees. How are you going to lead the transformation?

Don: I had a conversation with some of our board members the other night, if they had their way, I’d be dumping half of my team. They just don’t seem to get it. …….

We are who we are because of this team. This team has risen to the occasion before and I know it can again. I know we need to address the SEC requirement, but I can’t just replace people willy-nilly and expect to run abusiness. I just have to figure out how to get them on board.

Greg: Don, I hate to say this but I think you are letting your personal relationships interfere with your business sense.

Don: Am I? Let me think that one over. Maybe I’m the one not right for the job. Now back to how I’m going to lead this transformation. I’m not sure. Can you meet with me Saturday? You can help me figure out what I need to say to the employees, the financial community and our other stakeholders. …….

Greg: Let’s do that. By the way I say Angela’s resignation. She raises and important issue what was Teri’s reaction? That is the kind of stuff I’m am talking about when I say we need to think about the culture that exist here before we take any action. We still have the mind of a start up company and why not? We’re only eight years old. But I am not sure that mindset is going to serve us on Wall Street.

Don: I’ll make a point to speak to Teri soon. Note from Teri: Don I would like to speak with you, about Angela’s resignation, I feel that I don’t belong here either; I am here for research not to make Wall Street happy. News Paper Clipping reads: Gene One a lofty view of business reality by Thomas Evers: …….

It is not often I get invited into staff meetings of a company that is making headlines on a daily bases. Gene One is on ordinary company in the conference room of Phoenix Arizona office building, Don, CEO of Gene One joked that the area’s reputation for attracting young technology upstarts has nothe9ng to do with Gene Ones presence here. “We’re here because it is a great place to test some of our new plants in climate ranging from desert to snow covered mountains, all within a two hour ride, he shared with a smile. “And it’s not a bad place to attract some great talent either”. Maybe Don wasn’t kidding. …….

Everything Gene One does seems to be focused on the business. In less than eight years, three young ambitious leaders have taken Gene One from a 2million start up to a 400million thriving company. They are here to make contributions to their stakeholders and to society. And they do that by using gene research that create new and better produce varieties that can change the lives of people around the world. It’s not Gene Ones office location that is lofty; the company’s vision is as well. The company’s leadership practices however appear to be anything but.

The agenda for this staff meeting concerned quicker international product introduction. Why? To improve the bottom line by improving cash flow. …….

No lofty market plan here. Rather, they identified 10 quick options” a term coined in that very conference room and one intended to keep meetings moving quickly and efficiently. In an hours time the leadership team has evaluated 10 options- that’s one every six minutes-and chosen their best. Don and marketing director Charles will take a trip abroad to finalize an important deal. I can’t give details but it is as well thought out as their research. …….

Don as CEO is passionate about his team as he is in business. His team clearly looks to him for inspiration and he never fails to deliver. The business process is quick, skillful and focused. CTO, Teri presents ideas that clearly define technology as a business priority. Her technological talent has and ability to attract leading researchers has lead to one new technology after another. …….

Tender tomatoes and Perfect tomatoes to name two is a testimony to Charles a marketing leader who knows how to make things happen. And Michelle the CFO not only knows her numbers but knows how to look at options both strategically and financially.

To an innocent bystander, the meetings seem almost vitriolic for all the passionate and energetic arguing. The team leaders hurl ideas at each other in rapid speed until the meeting reaches a fever pitch. But amazingly what result isn’t a fistfight. It’s a great plan with everybody’s input, created by a team. Driven and successful all of them. Divergent certainly. They never lose sight of one fact. They are first about making a contribution to society. That commonality allows them the synergy and potential to continue growing this business at an amazing rate. This concludes the scenario. …….

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