Homework 3 ( 2 Versions Needed) No Equal-No plagiarism.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the overall principles of WSN network design
- Learn the “figures of merit” used to evaluate/compare/optimize WSNs.
- Learn techniques to achieve particular “figures of merits” identified
- Understand how WSN can be extended to other WSN or non-WSN networks
Homework Task: Read chapter 3 and answer the following questions.
1) In the WSN context, define, compare, and contrasts the terms “sources and sinks.” In addition, provide a paragraph explaining how mobility of sources and sinks would affect (negatively or positively) the wireless sensor network.
2) Explain the concept of QoS in WSN. For the following scenario, specify what QoS attributes would be applicable and explain why (Note: more than one QoS attribute can apply. Use your judgment).
Scenario: Ground vibrations made from moving tanks can be distinguished from other vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles, etc. A military WSN has been deployed to sense ground vibrations and transmit only when a tank is passing by. Once detected, the WSN should monitor the position of the tank as it moves around the WSN coverage area.
3) Explain the concepts of single-hop and multi-hop. Why is multi-hop required from most WSN applications? Does multi-hop improve energy efficiency in WSN communications? Explain your answer.
4) Energy efficiency in WSN can be evaluated in many different ways. Specify and explain the term “energy efficiency” when it comes to network lifetime, time to loss of coverage, and time to failure of the first event notification. Which of these would be more important for WSN?
5) Scalability and Robustness are also common “figures of merit” that can be used to evaluate, compare, and optimize WSN? Explain the terms Scalability and Robustness in WSN. Specify and explain one design principle used to achieve both scalability and robustness.
6) In-Network Processing is a design principle that can be used to achieve QoS, Energy efficiency, Scalability, etc. Specify and explain 4 in-network processing techniques. From the 4 techniques, select one and explain how it can be used to support both QoS and Energy Efficiency.
7) What is data-centric networking?
8) Explain the gateway concept for WSN? Provide and explain three scenarios where gateways can be used in WSN.
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