For good rating provide correct and full solution vo-stage CMOS op amp of the type of 3 has C, = 2..

For good rating provide correct and full solution
vo-stage CMOS op amp of the type of 3 has C, = 2 pF and is fabricated in a rocess characterized by k- 65 0.02 V and f, , and λ,-0.05 v-1. If SR = 40 V/μs 25 MHz, find the bias current /ss of the SC input pair, the overdrive voltage Voy and the of the individual SC transistors, and the Ist-stage de gain a,o REF 4 FIGURE 5.13 Two-stage CMOS op amp. vo-stage CMOS op amp of the type of 3 has C, = 2 pF and is fabricated in a rocess characterized by k- 65 0.02 V and f, , and λ,-0.05 v-1. If SR = 40 V/μs 25 MHz, find the bias current /ss of the SC input pair, the overdrive voltage Voy and the of the individual SC transistors, and the Ist-stage de gain a,o
REF 4 FIGURE 5.13 Two-stage CMOS op amp.

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