Facility Research and Selection, health and medicine homework help

Resources: Saving and Submitting Your Design in SmartDraw®

Part 1:

Imagine that you were tasked to build or redesign a health care facility in your local community.

Research health care facilities in your area that may need renovation, or to find out what type of facility may be missing. Your research will help you select your project focus.

Choose one of the following facilities, which you would like to build or redesign. You will use this facility in future assignments throughout the course.

  • Assisted Living
  • Birthing Center
  • Clinic
  • Doctor’s Office
  • Hematology Lab
  • Hospital Security Layout
  • Outpatient Clinic
  • Custom Facility Plan

*Note: If a Custom Facility Plan is selected, students are responsible for emailing the faculty member for approval for selected facility prior to submitting the assignment.

Access SmartDraw® and select facility template. This will be used in the Week 4 facility planning assignment.

Save your design after you have selected the facility.

Part 2:

Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you describe your selected facility. Include the following elements in your paper:

  • Summary of your research.
  • Description of types of facilities and services offered in your local community.
  • Description of the facility you have selected.
  • Explanation of the need for the building or renovation

The area to concentrate on would be Gainesville, Florida

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