ece355 week 3, Psychology homework help

Beginning Outline for the Final Project

For your assignment this week, you will begin to build the final PowerPoint assignment by creating a two- to three-page (not including the title and reference slides) outline of the information you will share on the first few slides. These outline slides will set the direction of your Final Project. You must include the following:

  • Title Page
  • Purpose statement(s) detailing the importance of positive parenting.
  • Defining Family: Explain your definition of family and how this definition will allow you to provide family-centered support. Refer back to Week One Discussion 2 to assist with this.
  • How Parenting Has Changed: Discuss at least two ways that parenting has changed. Refer back to your Week One Discussion 1 to assist with this.
  • Parenting Styles: Explain the four different parenting styles. Refer back to your Week One Assignment to assist with this.

The Paper

  • Assignment Length: Your outline should be two to three pages in length (not including title and reference slides).
  • Title Page: Inclusion of a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of presentation
    • Student?s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor?s name
    • Date submitted
  • Source Requirement: Reference two scholarly sources in addition to the text. All sources included in the reference list must be cited in the portfolio.
  • APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment, which includes citations in the body of the assignment, the title page, and references list, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.

Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment

Wardle, F., & Fitzpatrick, T. (2016). Children & families: Understanding behavior & dynamics [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

*You must properly cite and reference the course text in every discussion. A citation is a parenthetical note within the body of your response. It comes after a direct quote or a paraphrase. A reference comes at the end of your response and refers to the required reading or material. Use in-text citations.

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