critical essay

This assignment includes the following tasks:

1. Select and carefully review two readings (one chapter of Lakoff and Hannon).

2. Discuss the most interesting concepts/models or theories/arguments suggested in the readings

and explain why they are interesting to you.

3. Choose two readings (not class readings). These could be books or chapters, academic journal

articles, newspaper reports or columns, or movie (documentary)

– Use library databases and the ACM Digital Library.

– An outside reading cannot be a webpage.

4. Introduce the two outside articles by explaining their main points. Then, relate these points to

those of the two class readings.

5. Explain how all four readings, collectively, consider the larger point, which should be related to

your own research interest, and then further discuss how you might be able to relate them to your

own research, work, or everyday life in the future. <This is the most important part of this essay.>

Guidelines on Formatting

Use 1? margins on all sides.

The paper should be 7?8 pages total, double-spaced (not including the references).

For your citations, follow APA style (; ?writing help – iu.pdf?). Other

citation styles are also acceptable.

Your grade will be affected if your work deviates heavily from the suggested formatting


Writing quality (organization, grammar, and general readability) matters.

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