Criminal Procedure

Imagine you are a judge on the Supreme Court of a nation. The country?s trial-by-jury court procedure is currently under judicial review. The majority of the judges would like to implement an adversarial system. Debate two (2) reasons that maintaining a trial-by-jury court procedure is a better option for your country. Provide justification for your response.

The United States offers those accused of committing a crime several rights. These rights consist of the right to counsel, the right to remain silent, the right to a trial by a jury, and the right to bail. If you were on trial for committing a crime, specify one (1) right you would be most willing to give up and the one (1) right you could not give up. Predict the impact that giving up your chosen right would have on the court proceedings.


Trial by jury is when the trial makes a decision that directs the actions of the judge…Here trial by jury is being reviewed with judges wanting two advocates representing their case. (Adversarial system). Maintaining a trial by jury procedure is better in the country of The United States because:

1. It provides more “brain power” , thoughts, discussions, and ideas. Providing more than one perspective can possibly be the verdict of a guilty or not guilty plea.?

2. It gives “outsiders” the opportunity to make fair decisions. Many believe jurors are more fair then judges…maybe it is an “outside” perception yet I can relate. Having people see and experience the outside on a daily basis oppose to a judge who witnesses the same cases over and over again become redundant.

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