Criminal justice 524

500 words APA format…

1. Examine labor racketeering and the “Big Four,” (i.e., International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the Laborers International Union, the Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union and The International Longshoremen’s Assn), and cite at least two “specific” examples. Lastly, conclude your post by identifying some of the potential advantages a company may gain by entering into a corrupt relationship with their employees union (pls ensure your views are well supported, i.e., not just opinion).

Note: The above will require additional research outside of the weekly readings.

2: Please select one of the following 2 questions (i.e., you need only reply to 1 of the below):

a. Compare the role of organized crime in gambling in Las Vegas and New Jersey. As part of your response, explain how Las Vegas and New Jersey would be different today (good or bad) if not for the influence of organized crime (pls ensure your views are well supported, i.e., not just opinion).


b. Thoroughly review the Harrison Act and its ramifications. As part of your response defend whether or not you believe this Act was beneficial or not (pls ensure your views are well supported, i.e., not just opinion).

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