Creating Futures: Sustainable Enterprise and Innovation


  • Answer file should be in WORD form. Other formats are not accepted and might result-in disqualifying the work submitted.
  • Format: Answers should be in the form of a REPORT that could include headings, numbering, and bullet points.
  • Answers of each question should be clearly labelled according to question number.
  • Document Format: Use ?Times New Roman? font, size 14.

Question 1: (750 – 1000 words)

For the company of Saudi airlines (Saudia), evaluate the company?s strategic plan in terms of sustainability orientation/implementation. Analyze how the company addresses societal problems, and assess its positive and negative impacts on local communities?

Question 2: (750 ? 1000 words)

Why is it challenging for an airline to become an eco-friendly company? Justify your answer. Explain how the company maintains natural capital in terms of the input/output rules. Select the most influential factor (only one) that affects adoption of environmentally friendly innovation in the airline industry and justify your selection.

* Refer to attached documents for referencing details.

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