Count of Property Crime, writing homework help

For this Application Assignment, perform a
cross-tabulation on the data provided in the handout ?Week 10 Dataset? such
that property crime is displayed as a rate per student population. Though Excel
is not the only software that can be used to perform a cross-tabulation, it is
used here because it is a widely available program. The handout entitled,
?Cross-Tabulation in Excel? contains instructions on how to complete the task
in Excel using two different methods.

The assignment (3-4 pages):

Excel, perform a cross tabulation on the data provided in the Week 10 dataset.

what you can conclude from the output of the cross tabulation.

your outputs in your Application Assignment document. (Copy and paste them from
Excel into your Word doc.)

Support your Application Assignment with specific
references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a
reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for
this course.

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