comparison and the contrast of Hamlet and Oedipus

The comparison and the contrast of Hamlet and Oedipus

“I would do the Compare and contrast perception and reality for Hamlet and Oedipus. I will Explain the idea that a character?s perception either similaritiesor differences, Introduce the two characters, and the Thesis statement.” This is what i would to do

First the outline:

In short, A” papers stick to the general layout/format of MLA, with smooth in-text citations and a works cited page. Answer the question (respond to the prompt) ; state your reasons for your answer, and then support your reasons with research (give addresses for your ideas) .

  1. Before you write:
    1. Research (read)
    2. Reason (analyze)
    3. Respond (put it all together)
    4. Read Prompt (Find the question)
  2. Steps in writing the essay
    1. Review Prompt (represent as your introduction)
    2. Respond (thesis statement–answer the question) last sentence in the introductory paragraph
    3. Reasons (topic sentences–support the answer to the question)-first sentences in the body paragraphs
    4. Research (supporting details–support the topic sentences)-following sentences in the body paragraphs
    5. Review (conclusion–summarize what you said)

    Minimum Requirements

    1. Utilize one of the outlines (Toulmin or Rogerian) provided in this course.
    2. Does NOT contain the entire text of the essay (this is only a blueprint/plan for the essay)
    3. Size 12pt, Times New Roman font
    4. MLA format (heading, header, in-text citations, and Works Cited page
    5. In-text/parenthetical citations should be in the paragraph plans
    6. The paper must use resources acknowledged appropriately with in-text citations within the body paragraphs:
    7. No more than two (2) works from the textbook discussed primarily
    8. Primary source (in discussion) must appear in the works cited page
    9. Each body paragraph MUST contain key but short quotations from the selections.
    10. At least five (5) articles from the library database or textbook (which were in your Annotated Bibliography)
    11. As may be appropriate, the paper must acknowledge opposing viewpoints.
    12. Includes a very brief description of what will be in each paragraph for the entire essay.
    13. .doc or .docx file (microsoft word document


    1. Writing
      1. Compose your essay
        1. Use MLA Format
        2. Meet the required minimum Word Count or Page Count (One word or one page less will equal an automatic grade of zero (0)
        3. Use the required number of sources from your Annotated Bibliography (If you use other sources, which you did not identify in your bibliography, you will have to add them/complete annotation for those as well)

    The purpose of this assignment is for you to utilize the knowledge you have gained about Literature and your critical thinking skills to compose an original essay that focuses on an aspect of Literature. For your final exam, you are to compose an essay which covers some topic in either in Poetry, Fiction, or Drama.Minimum requirements:

    1. Word Count
      1. For “C” credit, the essay must be, at least, a full five pages long, with the last paragraph ending at the bottom of page five (5), or the top of page six (6), and the Works Cited page appearing on the sixth (6) or seventh (7) page. X
      2. For “A” credit, the paper must be, a full seven (7) pages long, with the last paragraph ending at the bottom of page seven (7), or the top of page eight (8), and the Works Cited page appearing on the eighth (8) or ninth (9) page.
    2. Mode/genre of writing (expository, argument, or narrative)
      1. The essay is an argumentative research paper
    3. Format (MLA)
      1. The paper must include an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs sufficient to support the claim, and a concluding paragraph.
      2. Works cited page reflecting the protocols of MLA
      3. In text citations
      4. Size 12 Times New Roman font (Includes header!)
      5. Double Spaced
      6. All margins=1 inch
    4. Sources
      1. The paper must use resources acknowledged appropriately with in-text citations within the body paragraphs:
        1. No more than three (3) works discussed primarily.
        2. The paper is about one or more work(s) of poetry, fiction or drama.
        3. Each body paragraph MUST contain key but short quotations from the selections.
        4. At least five articles from the library database or anthology.
        5. As may be appropriate, the paper must acknowledge opposing viewpoints.

        Note:An automatic Grade of zero (0) will apply to essays, which do not meet any of these minimum requirements.

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