Cognitive complexityThe cognitive complexity of a structure was studied by Scott* using a technique…

Cognitive complexity

The cognitive complexity of a structure was studied by Scott* using a technique in which a person was asked to specify a number of objects and group them into as many groupings as he or she found meaningful. A person groups 12 objects into three groups in such a way that

7 objects are in group A.

7 objects are in group B.

8 objects are in group C.

3 objects are in both group A and group B.

5 objects are in both group B and group C.

4 objects are in both group A and group C.

2 objects are in all three groups.

(a) What is the probability that an object chosen at random has been placed in group A or group B?

(b) What is the probability that an object chosen at random has been placed in group B or group C?

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