Cicero Research Paper

Topic is Cicero

In this class, you are required to write a Research Paper. It is strongly suggested that you put a great deal of time into this project as it is very important that you submit a paper that is detailed, informative, and professional in appearance. Please do not use any previous papers as the assignment will be submitted to the college’s research paper data bank, which stores copies of previously viewed or purchased papers in the U.S.

Visit the Scholastic Dishonesty link in the Course Menu for more information concerning plagiarism. The research paper should reflect your original work only; that is what college is about. The experience and knowledge you gain will be invaluable. Remember, this paper counts for 10% of your grade.

Your paper should be a minimum of 7 pages in length; of this, the first and last pages should be the ones that are not text written. Illustrations and photos do not count as a page. A chart may not be counted for more than half of a page. This paper must be written in MLA (modern language association) format.

Page 1 should be your title page. It should have the following:

  • Paper Title
  • Class information:
    • Western Civilization HIST 2311
    • The semester designations, example: Spring 20XX
    • Name of the instructor
  • Date submitted
  • YOUR full name
  • Email Address
  • The TEXT should be 12 pitch, Times Roman or Times Roman Bold
  • You should type the page, double spacing the lines. Do not single space the paper.

Your Main Content

  • Use College Style writing with the exception of you do not have to use footnotes.

The final page of the paper should be your Bibliography (MLA):

  • It should show the sources, titles, authors, or if Internet information, the URL that can be verified…and again, the title, author etc. You should have at least three (3) sources. It is acceptable to use all text or all computer. Do not use the text book as one of your resources.

The paper should be uploaded via the assignment link below.

This is an easy way to help your grades along. Research papers do not have to be difficult unless you wait until the last minute…get started NOW….and you won’t miss the deadline.

Submit the paper when complete. The due date for this paper is by the end of Lesson 8.

Be sure to read and understand the Scholastic Dishonesty policy, which may be accessed by the link in the course menu. Every paper that is submitted is run against a database of books, articles, internet information and other student papers from all over the US and other sources. The instructor will see a percent of matches to other work, so do not cut and paste your whole paper – it will show when graded. Give credit where an author is quoted.

Please do not write your paper by cut and paste. The SafeAssign database will show the percent that you have copied, and if it is high, it will be obvious that the paper contains the work of someone else who has published or submitted a paper that is in the system.

You only need to pick one topic for your paper. Do not attempt to write one paper with all of these subjects.

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