Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition

Need master level writing skills and grammar.

filled out business model template and a paragraph pertaining to there Value Proposition


MUST Demonstrate very clear
understanding of the 9 building blocks
of their business model, and they fit
really well together
Demonstrated very clear thought and
logic regarding choice of business
model that will turn idea into a
successful business

1.SalesForce Value Proposition and Business Model

2.Google Value Proposition and Business
Model Canvas

3. INTEL Value Proposition and Business
Model Canvas

4. OpenGov Value Proposition and Business
Model Canvas


-Very clearly understand process of
building a Business Model Canvas

-Did a superior job of applying the
process – evidence of strong effort

-Demonstrate very clear
understanding of the 9 building blocks
of their business model, and they fit
really well together
Demonstrated very clear thought and
logic regarding choice of business
model that will turn idea into a
successful business

-Very clear, easy to follow,
professionally prepared and visually

-The canvas must clearly explain how the
Silicon Valley organization create
revenue streams from each
customer segment

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