Business management assignment

A grade Presentation 

Imagine that you are pitching your hypothetical service-based company’s marketing plan to the Shark Tank Team for possible investment. Make a three to five (3-5) minute dynamic powerpoint presentation (feminine voice) in which you present your full marketing plan from Assignments 1, 2, and 3. 

Create a two to five (2-5) minute video presentation in which you:

  1. Present the major points of your marketing plan.
  2. Project your voice in order to clearly convey your ideas.
  3. Present in a professional manner.
  4. Use technology (e.g., i.e. audio quality, video quality, naming conventions) to convey ideas.
  5. Use voice inflection and proper grammar.
  6. Grading rubric Week 10 Assignment 4 Grading Rubric.html.pdf

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