Business ethics and decision making (class discussion forum 6)

Class Discussion Forum 6 Unit 6 – Case 6.3 – p. 394

Note: For the posting style of this forum, you will first post your answer, then you will see other students’ posts to which you can reply. (It may take up to 1/2 hour for the system to post your response and open up the others’ for you to view.)

Background: To prepare for this Class Discussion Forum, review Case 6.3 Pirates! The Bane of Transnational Shipping. (p. 394)


To earn points for this Class Discussion Forum, you are to answer the question(s) provided (must use and cite sources) and reply to at least two other student’s answers. In your reply posts, please address the student by name, then give your comment. Your replies to other students’ answers should provide helpful ideas for the class to learn about the topic. Internet sources (using in-text APA citing) ARE required for this Class Discussion Forum.

Discussion Questions:

1. The officers, the board, and Davis seek your advice. Be sure to apply all applicable principles, forms of analyses, readings, and so on, you have studied to date. What advice would you give?

2. Is the descriptor “bribe” accurate in this case?

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