Assignment: Background, Problem Analysis, and Conceptual Approaches
Assignment: Background, Problem Analysis, and Conceptual Approaches
Applied research requires acquiring data, but the kind of data you acquire depends on the nature of the study and what the client organization needs in terms of problem solving. This week you consider your research question and the data you will need. You should also submit your revised components from last week, based on your Instructors feedback. Keep in mind that during this process you will receive a lot of feedback that will require a lot of revisions. This is typical and can be discouraging, but it is important that you are open to and use the feedback. The process is not easy, but if everyone could do it, everyone would want to get their doctorate! You have worked hard for it, so keep a positive attitude. Learn from it and keep going. Remember that your Instructors have years of practice and are great mentors.
Continue the work you started on the Prospectus document last week by constructing a short paper that contains these elements: (Please use the William T Grant Foundation as my research topic)
- A 2- to 4-paragraph description of the background to the problem (be sure to consider feedback from your Instructor and colleagues in the course);
- A concise and clear problem statement that does not exceed 300 words in length (revised based on feedback from Week 2);
- A statement of purpose (revised based on feedback from Week 2);
- The central research question you envision addressing through your applied study, and;
- A preliminary description of the kind of data you need and a plan to analyze that data.
Your paper should have at least five resources and include both scholarly resources and recent data within the last 5 years. ((Please use the William T Grant Foundation as my research topic)
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