A research paper about visiting a museum? 6 full pages?

In this research paper you must answer these questions below:

ü  Which museum did you visit?

ü  What was your reaction upon entering the museum?

what do you feel about this museum?

How is your feeling about the paintings and sculptures?

What surprised you at the museum?

ü  Were there any artists or artworks you recognized?

ü  Was there a particular artist, artwork, genre of art, or exhibition
that attracted you?

ü  What did you like the most/least about your visit? 

ü  What predispositions/stereotypes of museums did you have prior
to your visit?  Did this research alter or
reinforce them? 

Research Format:

ü  six full pages!!

ü  Typed.

ü  Double Spaced.

ü  1? Margins.

ü  12-point font

ü  Don?t forget to proofread your paper!


If you can make it high school level that would be great!

strong argument

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